Alinga Energy Consulting has had the privilege of delivering the following pieces of work
Regional & Remote Communities Reliabilities Fund – Microgrids
In 2020, Alinga Energy Consulting secured $475,000 in federal funding to deliver microgrid feasibility studies for 5 Indigenous communities in Western Australia.
Community engagement including interviewing over 30 community members.
Technical analysis of diesel generator microgrids using Homer Pro software to investigate the integration of rooftop solar and community scale PV and battery storage.
Sizing of backup power systems for one grid connected community.
Investigation of viable storage technologies including hydrogen.
Project management including overseeing economic analysis and hydrology contractors.
Stakeholder analysis and liaison with utility, service providers and the Department of Communities.
Management of grant funding.
White paper to be released soon!
Net Zero Energy Buildings Study
- Metrics

Metrics is a small financial advisory company with 3 office locations. Alinga provided comprehensive advice to help them achieve their net zero aspirations.
Analysis of customer load data for buildings in Melbourne and Sydney to find load profiles and detect energy waste.
Assess building rooftops for solar PV system installation.
Calculate energy reduction based on solar generation including return on investment.
Assess the viability of energy storage for maximising self-consumption.
Identify key energy efficiency recommendations based on existing equipment, usage behaviours and building envelope.
Review of energy monitoring technologies and their appropriateness for Metrics.
Advisory for the PNG Economic and Social Infrastructure Program

Alinga’s director sits on the technical advisory panel for assessing off-grid energy projects for Australian Aid funding in Papua New Guinea.
Review of proposed technologies, technical design aspects and underlying calculations for renewable energy systems.
Assessment of project costing and business models for economic sustainability and meeting ethical standards.
Review of diversity and inclusion strategies of project roll-out.
Recommendations for improving proposed strategies and documentation.
Recommendations for applications to move through to funding.
Dalki Garringa Nursery - Renewable Energy & PPA study

Alinga Energy Consulting partnered with Indigenous Energy Australia to produce an energy pre-feasibility study for Barengi Gadjin Land Council and Mycelia Renewables. The study looked at achieving Net Zero Energy for the nursery and establishing a Power Purchase Agreement to sell energy to all traditional owners in their network.
Load analysis for 3 design scenarios:
Current nursery loads
Projected future loads
Wider BGLC community homes
Assessment of land availability for on-site assets.
Modelling of on-site solar PV assets to achieve net zero energy and contibrute to community households through a PPA.
Economic analysis of different scenarios and PPA assessment by IEA.
Residential & Commercial Solar System Designs
Future Supply of Electricity in Jabiru

Sub-contracting to Alice Springs based energy consulting firm Ekistica, Alinga delivered an energy asset review of existing energy systems in Jabiru, NT.
Catalogue all existing assets including distribution transformers, distribution lines, switchgear and substation assets.
Capacity and condition assessment of assets.
Review of the opportunities to integrate smart, future grid technologies into the upgraded system.

Alinga Energy Consulting has CEC accredited designers for grid-connected solar PV and battery storage systems and has been providing residential and commercial system designs for installers since 2019.
Rooftop solar system design using Solarplus software for hundreds of residential systems in Victoria.
Technical calculations to determine voltage drop and cable sizing.
Specification of optimisers to address shading issues.
Lodgment of connection applications with the relevant DNSP including preparation of required documentation and calculations – single line diagrams etc.
Proposals for grid connected systems with battery storage.
Landcom Smart Energy Precinct

Alinga Energy Consulting partnered with Chalk & Behrendt and Grids to deliver a concept to NSW developer Landcom for a 100% renewable energy housing precinct.
Technical analysis including establishing household energy use profiles with future forecasting based on EV uptake trends.
Recommendations for rooftop PV systems and energy efficiency building standards to achieve net zero households.
Recommendations for incentives, customer education, resident cooperation and working with native title holders.
Review of the potential role of battery storage (household and centralised).
Review of the regulatory environment including constraints of Torrens Title law and the National Electricity Market (C&B).
Rooftop Solar for Over 50’s Living Villages

Sub-contracting to Qld based energy consulting firm Engenuity Solutions, Alinga brought senior engineering experience to assist with the development of several living villages.
Review of existing, outdated billing methods and provision of a new billing plan which meets the intent of the energy regulations.
Design of distribution systems for new sites.
Coordination with HV designer.
Assessment of an off-grid energy system to power pool heating.
Design of commercial scale solar systems for village club houses.
Proposal for solar energy sharing within an embedded network.
Liaison with the DNSP to determine how to bring existing sites in line with utility rules and regulations.
Management of junior staff to complete analyses.
Street lighting design.