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Alinga Energy Consulting has had the privilege of delivering the following pieces of work

Regional & Remote Communities Reliabilities Fund – Microgrids

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In 2020, Alinga Energy Consulting secured $475,000 in federal funding to deliver microgrid feasibility studies for 5 Indigenous communities in Western Australia.


  • Community engagement including interviewing over 30 community members.

  • Technical analysis of diesel generator microgrids using Homer Pro software to investigate the integration of rooftop solar and community scale PV and battery storage.

  • Sizing of backup power systems for one grid connected community.

  • Investigation of viable storage technologies including hydrogen.

  • Project management including overseeing economic analysis and hydrology contractors.

  • Stakeholder analysis and liaison with utility, service providers and the Department of Communities.

  • Management of grant funding.


White paper to be released soon!

Net Zero Energy Buildings Study

- Metrics

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Metrics is a small financial advisory company with 3 office locations. Alinga provided comprehensive advice to help them achieve their net zero aspirations.


  • Analysis of customer load data for buildings in Melbourne and Sydney to find load profiles and detect energy waste.

  • Assess building rooftops for solar PV system installation.

  • Calculate energy reduction based on solar generation including return on investment.

  • Assess the viability of energy storage for maximising self-consumption.  

  • Identify key energy efficiency recommendations based on existing equipment, usage behaviours and building envelope.

  • Review of energy monitoring technologies and their appropriateness for Metrics.

Advisory for the PNG Economic and Social Infrastructure Program


Alinga’s director sits on the technical advisory panel for assessing off-grid energy projects for Australian Aid funding in Papua New Guinea.


  • Review of proposed technologies, technical design aspects and underlying calculations for renewable energy systems.

  • Assessment of project costing and business models for economic sustainability and meeting ethical standards.

  • Review of diversity and inclusion strategies of project roll-out.

  • Recommendations for improving proposed strategies and documentation.

  • Recommendations for applications to move through to funding.

Dalki Garringa Nursery - Renewable Energy & PPA study

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Alinga Energy Consulting  partnered with Indigenous Energy Australia to produce an energy pre-feasibility study for Barengi Gadjin Land Council and Mycelia Renewables. The study looked at achieving Net Zero Energy for the nursery and establishing a Power Purchase Agreement to sell energy to all traditional owners in their network.


  • Load analysis for 3 design scenarios: 

  1. Current nursery loads

  2. Projected future  loads

  3. Wider BGLC community homes  

  • Assessment of land availability for on-site assets.

  • Modelling of on-site solar PV assets to achieve net zero energy and contibrute to community households through a PPA.

  • Economic analysis of different scenarios and PPA assessment by IEA.

Residential & Commercial Solar System Designs

Future Supply of Electricity in Jabiru 

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Sub-contracting to Alice Springs based energy consulting firm Ekistica, Alinga delivered an energy asset review of existing energy systems in Jabiru, NT.  


  • Catalogue all existing assets including distribution transformers, distribution lines, switchgear and substation assets.

  • Capacity and condition assessment of assets.

  • Review of the opportunities to integrate smart, future grid technologies into the upgraded system.

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Alinga Energy Consulting has CEC accredited designers for grid-connected solar PV and battery storage systems and has been providing residential and commercial system designs for installers since 2019.

  • Rooftop solar system design using Solarplus software for hundreds of residential systems in Victoria.

  • Technical calculations to determine voltage drop and cable sizing.

  • Specification of optimisers to address shading issues.

  • Lodgment of connection applications with the relevant DNSP including preparation of required documentation and calculations – single line diagrams etc.

  • Proposals for grid connected systems with battery storage.

Landcom Smart Energy Precinct

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Alinga Energy Consulting partnered with Chalk & Behrendt and Grids to deliver a concept to NSW developer Landcom for a 100% renewable energy housing precinct.


  • Technical analysis including establishing household energy use profiles with future forecasting based on EV uptake trends.

  • Recommendations for rooftop PV systems and energy efficiency building standards to achieve net zero households.

  • Recommendations for incentives, customer education, resident cooperation and working with native title holders.

  • Review of the potential role of battery storage (household and centralised).

  • Review of the regulatory environment including constraints of Torrens Title law and the National Electricity Market (C&B).

Rooftop Solar for Over 50’s Living Villages

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Sub-contracting to Qld based energy consulting firm Engenuity Solutions, Alinga brought senior engineering experience to assist with the development of several living villages.


  • Review of existing, outdated billing methods and provision of a new billing plan which meets the intent of the energy regulations.

  • Design of distribution systems for new sites.

  • Coordination with HV designer.  

  • Assessment of an off-grid energy system to power pool heating.

  • Design of commercial scale solar systems for village club houses.

  • Proposal for solar energy sharing within an embedded network.

  • Liaison with the DNSP to determine how to bring existing sites in line with utility rules and regulations.

  • Management of junior staff to complete analyses.

  • Street lighting design.

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